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Golf Shop

Shop from a wide selection of
golf clubs, apparel,
and gear

Western Lakes has partnered with some of the biggest names in the golf industry. Our selection is great, our prices are the most competitive in town, and our customer serviced is unmatched. Come check out our selection before you buy anywhere else.

Brands We Carry

Current promotions

I would like to make you aware of a very special offer through Western Lakes Golf Club.  For the upcoming golf season we a offering our VIP golf passes at a very special price.  They make great thank you gifts for your loyal customers, hard working employees, or even a treat for yourself (the boss deserves some love too).  Each pass can be used any day at any time and includes: 18 holes of golf, golf cart, and range token ($65.00 value).

With this special pricing you can save from 10% to 30%, making your VIP Passes as low as $42 per round!!

SAME PRICING AS 2020!!! Purchase your passes now by clicking on the link below.

PLATINUM PACKAGE 100 passes @ $60 Less 30% = $4,200
GOLD PACKAGE 50 passes @ $60 Less 25% = $2,250
SILVER PACKAGE 20 passes @ $60 Less 20% = $960
BRONZE PACKAGE 10 passes @ $60 Less 10% = $540

Click Here to Purchase Online

Get your Junior Golfer prepared for the season now!!!

Junior Golf Club Sets! – The biggest mistake parents can make is putting their child in a set of golf clubs that are the wrong size. If the clubs are the wrong size the child will struggle to learn a good golf swing, they will not achieve the results they should, and golf will not be fun. Since fun is the #1 priority of Western Lakes junior golf programs we strongly urge all parents to make sure their child has golf clubs that are fit properly.

EPEC junior golf clubs are designed for young golfers of all skill levels, from beginner to competitive players. From a quality standpoint these clubs are second to none as they use only top-quality materials that are specifically designed for children. What makes these clubs different from every other brand on the market is that they are upgradable. Rather than replacing your child’s clubs every year or two, you may simply send them in to the company and have them re-sized, saving you $100’s of dollars over your child’s junior golf career. Additionally, you have your choice between 5, 7, or 9 club sets, where other brands may not give you those options.
Click Here to Purchase Online

Golf Clubs & Club Repair

Our head golf professional is a eager to help golfers upgrade their equipment. He has a passion for helping customers get the right equipment for themselves. In addition, he can repair and re-grip clubs on-site. Contact him directly with your questions –

Certified Club Fitter: 